Saturday, the 5th of December 2009.
My sisters and I walked up a hill in the Australian botanical Garden the place of the wedding. Peggn Cher Cher and Hau Wei ko ko were having Garden wedding.
Chrisa was the bubble girl and Cher Cher and i were dancing for the wedding. People was everywhere getting ready for the bride to arrive. Three of us stood eating purple iced cookies watching people running here and there. It was a very hot afternoon!
Soon the bridal party arrived all in purple.Mum helped chrisa to them and when everyone was seated the music started. Chrisa walked down aisle the blowing bubbles in the air. Followed by the three brides maids and the maid of honour. Then finally the bride herself, in a white dress with sparkly beads and a smile.
Soon the bride and groom exchanged rinds and Cher Cher and i danced a short dance. Then the wedding was over.People took photos with them. And until everyone did it was time to go to dinner.
"Ahhhhhhhh....I' starving!!" =)
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