Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Night of the Non-Sense Sorry Dinner

The dinner with Ace on Monday night was exactly what the title says.
I really wanted to blog about the whole thing, but after thinking it over a few times, it was a non-sense sorry dinner (when cheese sauce turned into scrambled eggs) so I'm 99% sure anybody who wasn't having dinner with us that night will not understand.

Although our dinner only started at ten p.m., I laughed until I had tummy aches... Not that it's unusual that I laugh until I have tummy aches, but what I'm saying is, it was an AWESOME time with Ace!!!

We even thought over our whole night and did a list of what we did. :)

A: Alliteration Aiming
B: Biological Burping
C: Cockroach Chasing
D: Deep Draining
E: Esophagus Exercising (and we're ending here cause it's E-nough)

1. Smashtering Sauce Scrambling
2. Sing Songing
3. Sorry Saying
4. Stop Sensing
5. Shock Sencing
6. Sentence Stammering

(Don't blame yourself if you really don't understand the list, anyway, it WAS the NON-SENSE sorry night... :P)